Windows photos invalid value for registry
Windows photos invalid value for registry

windows photos invalid value for registry

If you need to add custom mappings you probably can use reflection to add mappings to the BCL MimeMapping class, it uses a custom dictionary that exposes this method, so you should invoke the following to add mappings (never tested tho, but should prob. NET Framework 4.5: string mimeType = MimeMapping.GetMimeMapping(fileName) Use the method, that is part of the BCL in.

  • Copy the MimeMappings file from the reference source of the.
  • Never tested, but looks like you can officially expand the mime types list via the exposed Mappings property.
  • new FileExtensionContentTypeProvider().TryGetContentType(fileName, out contentType) (vNext only).
  • windows photos invalid value for registry

    The options were changed a bit in ASP.NET Core, here they are ( credits):

    Windows photos invalid value for registry