It often takes multiple attempts to download dives. I use this ap for the Aqualung i300 and i550. I feel like importing data from a watch should be simple at this point why then can this software not be used to log dives? Maybe it has to do with the fact that there are two different “containers” in the archiving system, and they don’t play well with each other? Anyway, I would not recommend Oceanic computers (especially not the Oci) nor this software. I was able to go into Time PC and recover deleted dives, but I had to re-enter all my notes (since, for some reason, they were deleted by the software every time I opened the file). It just happens at random, and if you try to fix the corrupted file, it deletes everything (even if you backed it up).

I contacted the company, and they said my file was corrupted.

This could be my personal information, the name of the dive sites, the dive data, etc. Whenever I log a dive and save the file, I close the software, open it a few days later, and find random things deleted. I don’t know what I’m more disappointed in: my Oceanic OCi (which has broken four times in two years) or the software with which it partners=DiverLogLite.